Monday, February 13, 2012


Assalamu'alaykum warahmatullah wabarakatuh, dear visitor.

Welcome to the website of,

(of course, in Kuantan Campus)

Want to know about them?

Actually, there are nothing special about them. They're just ordinary people, servants of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, carrying the duty of His khalifah on this earth.

But, of course, you want to ta'aruf with them, isn't it?.

Lukhman bin Abdul Taib
A Sarawakian, he may looks quiet to some people, and noisy to others. He may look smart and 'religious' to some people, and quite naughty to others. Well, the best word to describe him is unpredictable. Most of the time he acts as normal, nothing special comes from him. But, beware, when the time is come, his words may be fatal to you, without going any 'filtration'. For sure, it comes from the hard time he went through. Studying at IIUM in Bachelor of Mathematical Science (Hons), you may visit his personal website at here.
Quiet, handsome, and a little bit naughty (maybe). Coming from Puchong, Selangor, most of the time (I mean, out of study time when he feels bored) he will sit in front of his personal Gateway laptop and watching movies. Always be the target of his own classmates to be their leader in the class, just make sure you don't make trouble on him. Studying at IIUM in Bachelor of Mathematical Science (Hons), he seeks to be 'half-mathematican' and 'half-physicist' in himself after graduating. You may visit his Facebook here.

Syed Dana Shah bin Syed Ahmad

Yeah, you may find this site is not really depicting us as troublemakers.

Nevertheless, most of first impression will not be correct. This is only the beginning.